Report Volume I
August 2003

This was the crew patch for STS-107. The central element of the patch was the microgravity symbol, オg, flowing into the rays of the Astronaut symbol. The orbital inclination was portrayed by the 39-degree angle of the Earths horizon to the Astronaut symbol. The sunrise was representative of the numerous science experiments that were the dawn of a new era for continued microgravity research on the International Space Station and beyond. The breadth of science conduct-ed on this mission had widespread benefits to life on Earth and the continued exploration of space, illustrated by the Earth and stars. The constellation Columba (the dove) was chosen to symbolize peace on Earth and the Space Shuttle Columbia. In addition, the seven stars represent the STS-107 crew members, as well as honoring the original Mercury 7 astronauts who paved the way to make research in space possible. The Israeli flag represented the first person from that country to fly on the Space Shuttle.
This emblem memorializes the three U.S. human space flight accidents ュ Apollo 1, Challenger, and Columbia. The words across the top translate to: "To The Stars, Despite Adversity ュ Always Explore"
Limited First Printing, August 2003, by the
Columbia Accident Investigation Board
Subsequent Printing and Distribution by the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
and the
Government Printing OfficeWashington, D.C.