3.7 Debris Analysis
3.7 Debris Analysis

The Board performed a detailed and exhaustive investigation of the debris that was recovered. While sensor data from the Orbiter pointed to early problems on the left wing, it could only isolate the breach to the general area of the left wing RCC panels. Forensics analysis independently determined that RCC panel 8 was the most likely site of the breach, and this was subsequently corroborated by other analyses. (See Appendix D.11.)
事故調査委員会は改修された破片について詳細かつ徹底的な調査を行いました。オービターからのセンサーのデータは初期に左翼に起きた問題を明らかにしましたが、左翼のRCCパネル全体から破損箇所の位置を特定するにとどまりました。しかし一方で、これらの分析とは全く別に、物証の分析によって8番RCCパネルに損傷があった可能性が一番高いという結論に達していました。そして、後の分析もこの結果を支持するものでした(Appendix D.11 を参照)。

Pre-Breakup and Post-Breakup Damage Determination

Differentiating between pre-breakup and post-breakup dam- age proved a challenge.When Columbias main body breakup occurred, the Orbiter was at an altitude of about 200,000 feet and traveling at Mach 19, well within the peak-heating region calculated for its re-entry profile. Consequently, as individual pieces of the Orbiter were exposed to the atmosphere at breakup, they experienced temperatures high enough to damage them. If a part had been damaged by heat prior to breakup, high post-breakup temperatures could eas- ily conceal the pre-breakup evidence. In some cases, there was no clear way to determine what happened when. In other cases, heat erosion occurred over fracture surfaces, in- dicating the piece had first broken and had then experienced high temperatures. Investigators concluded that pre- and post-breakup damage had to be determined on a part-by-part basis; it was impossible to make broad generalizations based on the gross physical evidence.

Amount of Right Wing Debris versus Left Wing Debris

Detailed analysis of the debris revealed unique features and convincing evidence that the damage to the left wing differed significantly from damage to the right, and that sig- nificant differences existed in pieces from various areas of the left wing.While a substantial amount of upper and lower right wing structure was recovered, comparatively little of the upper and lower left wing structure was recovered (see Figure 3.7-1).

Figure 3.7-1. Comparison of amount of debris recovered from the left and right wings of Columbia. Note the amount of debris recovered from areas in front of the wheel well (the red boxes on each wing) were similar, but there were dramatic differences in the amount of debris recovered aft of each wheel well.

The difference in recovered debris from the Orbiters wings clearly indicates that after the breakup, most of the left wing succumbed to both high heat and aerodynamic forces, while the right wing succumbed to aerodynamic forces only. Be- cause the left wing was already compromised, it was the first area of the Orbiter to fail structurally. Pieces were exposed to higher heating for a longer period, resulting in more heat damage and ablation of left wing structural material. The left wing was also subjected to superheated air that penetrated directly into the mid-body of the wing for a substantial period. This pre-heating likely rendered those components unable to absorb much, if any, of the post-breakup heating. Those internal and external structures were likely vaporized during post-breakup re-entry. Finally, the left wing likely lost significant amounts of the Thermal Protection System prior to breakup due to the effect of internal wing heating on the Thermal Protection System bonding materials, and this further degraded the left wings ability to resist the high heat of re-entry after it broke up.

Tile Slumping and External Patterns of Tile Loss

Tiles recovered from the lower left wing yielded their own interesting clues. The left wing lower carrier panel 9 tiles sustained extreme heat damage (slumping) and showed more signs of erosion than any other tiles.This severe heat erosion damage was likely caused by an outflow of superheated air and molten material from behind RCC panel 8 through a U-shaped design gap in the panel (see Figure 3.7-2) that allows room for the T-seal attachment. Effluents from the back side of panel 8 would directly impact this area of lower carrier panel 9 and its tiles. In addition, flow lines in these tiles (see Figure 3.7-3) exhibit evidence of superheated airflow across their surface from the area of the RCC panel 8 and 9 interface. Chemical analysis shows that these carrier panel tiles were covered with molten Inconel, which is found in wing leading edge attachment fittings, and other metals coming from inside the RCC cavity. Slumping and heavy erosion of this magnitude is not noted on tiles from anywhere else on the Orbiter.

Figure 3.7-2. Each RCC panel has a U-shaped slot (see arrow) in the back of the panel. Once superheated air entered the breach in RCC panel 8, some of that superheated air went through this slot and caused substantial damage to the Thermal Protection System tiles behind this area.
図3-7-2: 各RCCパネルには、パネル背後にU字型のスロット(矢印)がある。いったん8番RCCパネルの破損部分から進入した高熱の大気はこのスロットを通って、このエリアの直後にある耐熱タイルに大きなダメージを与えた。

Figure 3.7-3. Superheated airflow caused erosion in tiles around the RCC panel 8 and 9 interface. The tiles shown are from behind the area where the superheated air exited from the slot in Figure 3.7-2. These tiles showed much greater thermal damage than other tiles in this area and chemical analysis showed the presence of metals only found in wing leading edge components.
図3-7-3: 高熱の大気の流れによって8番と9番RCCパネルの境目付近に侵食が生じている。これらのタイルは図3-7-2に示されるスロットから高熱の大気が流れ出た箇所の後ろの部分のもの。このエリアのタイルは他のものに比べて熱による損傷が激しく、また化学分析によって主翼前縁部内部にしかない金属が見つかった。

Failure modes of recovered tiles from the left and the right wing also differ. Most right wing tiles were simply broken off the wing due to aerodynamic forces, which indicates that they failed due to physical overload at breakup, not because of heat. Most of the tiles on the left wing behind RCC panels 8 and 9 show significant evidence of backside heating of the wing skin and failure of the adhesive that held the tiles on the wing. This pattern of failure suggests that heat penetrated the left wing cavity and then heated the aluminum skin from the inside out. As the aluminum skin was heated, the strength of the tile bond degraded, and tiles separated from the Orbiter.

Erosion of Left Wing Reinforced Carbon-Carbon

Several pieces of left wing RCC showed unique signs of heavy erosion from exposure to extreme heat. There was erosion on two rib panels on the left wing leading edge in the RCC panel 8 and 9 interface. Both the outboard rib of panel 8 and the inboard rib of panel 9 showed signs of ex- treme heating and erosion (see Figure 3.7-4). This erosion indicates that there was extreme heat behind RCC panels 8 and 9. This type of RCC erosion was not seen on any other part of the left or right wing.

Figure 3.7-4. The outboard rib of panel 8 and the inboard rib of panel 9 showed signs of extreme heating and erosion. RCC ero- sion of this magnitude was not observed in any other location on the Orbiter.

Locations of Reinforced Carbon-Carbon Debris

The location of debris on the ground also provided evidence of where the initial breach occurred. The location of every piece of recovered RCC was plotted on a map and labeled according to the panel the piece originally came from. Two distinct patterns were immediately evident. First, it was clear that pieces from left wing RCC panels 9 through 22 had fallen the farthest west, and that RCC from left wing panels 1 through 7 had fallen considerably farther east (see Figure 3.7-5). Second, pieces from left wing panel 8 were found throughout the debris field, which suggested that the left wing likely failed in the vicinity of RCC panel 8. The early loss of the left wing from RCC panel 9 and outboard caused the RCC from that area to be deposited well west of the RCC from the inboard part of the wing. Since panels 1 through 7 were so much farther to the east, investigators concluded that RCC panels 1 through 7 had stayed with the Orbiter longer than had panels 8 through 22.

Figure 3.7-5. The location of RCC panel debris from the left and right wings, shown where it was recovered from in East Texas. The debris pattern suggested that the left wing failed before the right wing, most likely near left RCC panels 8 and 9.
図3-7-5: 東テキサスにおいて回収された両翼のRCCパネルの破片の位置。破片の落下パターンは、左翼が右翼よりも先に落下したこと、特に8番と9番RCCパネルから脱落が始まったことを示唆している。

Tile Locations

An analysis of where tiles were found on the ground also yielded significant evidence of the breach location. Since most of the tiles are of similar size, weight, and shape, they would all have similar ballistic coefficients and would have behaved similarly after they separated from the Orbiter. By noting where each tile fell and then plotting its location on the Orbiter tile map, a distinctive pattern emerged. The tiles recovered farthest west all came from the area immediately behind the left wing RCC panel 8 and 9 (see Figure 3.7-6), which suggests that these tiles were released earlier than those from other areas of the left wing. While it is not conclusive evidence of a breach in this area, this pattern does suggest unique damage around RCC panels 8 and 9 that was not seen in other areas. Tiles from this area also showed evidence of a brown deposit that was not seen on tiles from any other part of the Orbiter. Chemical analysis revealed it was an Inconel-based deposit that had come from inside the RCC cavity on the left wing (Inconel is found in wing leading edge attachment fittings). Since the streamlines from tiles with the brown deposit originate near left RCC panels 8 and 9, this brown deposit likely originated as an outflow of su- perheated air and molten metal from the panel 8 and 9 area.

Figure 3.7-6. The tiles recovered farthest west all came from the area immediately behind left wing RCC panels 8 and 9. In the figure, each small box represents an individual tile on the lower surface of the left wing. The more red an individual tile appears, the farther west it was found.
図3-7-6: 最も西から回収されたタイルは、全て8番と9番RCCパネルの直後から脱落したもの。この図では、左翼下面の個々のタイルが小さな四角形で示されている。赤いパネルが最も西から発見されたパネル。

Molten Deposits

High heat damage to metal parts caused molten deposits to form on some Orbiter debris. Early analysis of these deposts focused on their density and location. Much of the left wing leading edge showed some signs of deposits, but the left wing RCC panels 5 to 10 had the highest levels.

Of all the debris pieces recovered, left wing panels 8 and 9 showed the largest amounts of deposits. Significant but lesser amounts of deposits were also observed on left wing RCC panels 5 and 7. Right wing RCC panel 8 was the only right-wing panel with significant deposits.

Chemical and X-Ray Analysis

Chemical analysis focused on recovered pieces of RCC panels with unusual deposits. Samples were obtained from areas in the vicinity of left wing RCC panel 8 as well as other left and right wing RCC panels. Deposits on recovered RCC de- bris were analyzed by crosssectional optical and scanning electron microscopy, microprobe analysis, and x-ray diffraction to determine the content and layering of slag deposits. Slag was defined as metallic and nometallic deposits that resulted from the melting of the internal wing structures. X-ray analysis determined the best areas to sample for chemical testing and to see if an overall flow pattern could be discerned.

The X-ray analysis of left wing RCC panel 8 (see Figure 3.7-7) showed a bottom-to-top pattern of slag deposits. In some areas, small spheroids of heavy metal were aligned vertically on the recovered pieces, which indicated a super- heated airflow from the bottom of the panel toward the top in the area of RCC panel 8-left. These deposits were later determined by chemical analysis to be Inconel 718, prob- ably from the wing leading edge attachment fittings on the spanner beams on RCC panels 8 and 9. Computational fluid dynamics modeling of the flow behind panel 8 indicated that the molten deposits would be laid down in this manner.

Figure 3.7-7. X-ray analysis of RCC panel 8-left showed a bottom- to-top pattern of slag deposits.
図3-7-7: X線分析による8番RCCパネルの左側の画像。スラグの付着物が底面から上に向かって並んでいる。

The layered deposits on panel 8 were also markedly different from those on all other left- and right-wing panels.There was much more material deposited on RCC panel 8-left. These deposits had a much rougher overall structure, including rivulets of Cerachrome slag deposited directly on the RCC. This indicated that Cerachrome, the insulation that protects the wing leading edge spar, was one of the first materials to succumb to the superheated air entering through the breach in RCC panel 8-left. Because the melting temperature of Cerachrome is greater than 3,200 degrees Fahrenheit, analysis indicated that materials in this area were exposed to extremely high temperatures for a long period. Spheroids of Inconel 718 were mixed in with the Cerachrome. Because these spheroids (see Figure 3.7-8) were directly on the surface of the RCC and also in the first layers of deposits, investigators concluded that the Inconel 718 spanner beam RCC fittings were most likely the first internal structures subjected to intense heating. No aluminum was detected in the earliest slag layers on RCC panel 8-left. Only one location on an up- per corner piece, near the spar fitting attachment, contained A-286 stainless steel.This steel was not present in the bottom layer of the slag directly on the RCC surface, which indicated that the A-286 attachment fittings on the wing spar were not in the direct line of the initial plume impingement.

Figure 3.7-8. Spheroids of Inconel 718 and Cerachrome were deposited directly on the surface of RCC panel 8-left. This slag deposit pattern was not seen on any other RCC panels.
図3-7-8: インコネル718とセラクロームの球体が8番RCCパネル左側面の表面上に見られる。このスラグの付着のパターンは他のRCCパネルには見られない。

In wing locations other than left RCC panels 8 and 9, the deposits were generally thinner and relatively uniform. This suggests no particular breach location other than in left RCC panels8 and 9.These other slag deposits contained primarily aluminum and aluminum oxides mixed with A-286, Inconel, and Cerachrome, with no consistent layering. This mixing of multiple metals in no apparent order suggests concurrent melting and redepositing of all leading-edge components, which is more consistent with post-breakup damage than the organized melting and depositing of materials that occurred near the original breach at left RCC panels 8 and 9. RCC panel 9-left also differs from the rest of the locations analyzed. It was similar to panel 8-left on the inboard side, but more like the remainder of the samples analyzed on its outboard side. The deposition of molten deposits strongly suggests the original breach occurred in RCC panel 8-left.

Spanner Beams, Fittings, and Upper Carrier Panels
横桁、結合金具、 上部キャリアパネル

Spanner beams, fittings, and upper carrier panels were recovered from areas adjacent to most of the RCC panels on both wings. However, significant numbers of these items were not recovered from the vicinity of left RCC panels 6 to 10. None of the left wing upper carrier panels at positions 9, 10, or 11 were recovered. No spanner beam parts were recovered from the left RCC panel 8 to 10 area. No upper or lower RCC fittings were recovered for left panels 8, 9, or 10. Some of this debris may not have been found in the search, but it is unlikely that all of it was missed. Much of this structure probably melted, and was burned away by superheated air inside the wing. What did not melt was so hot that when it broke apart, it did not survive the heat of re-entry.This supports the theory that superheated air penetrated the wing in the general area of RCC panel 8-left and caused considerable structural damage to the left wing leading edge spar and hardware.
横桁、結合金具、 および上部キャリアパネルは両翼のRCCパネルの大部分が発見された地域と隣接した場所から回収されました。しかし、同パーツの大半は左翼の6番から10番RCCパネル付近からは回収されませんでした。また、左翼9番、10番、11番の上部キャリアパネルは発見されませんでした。さらに、左翼8番から10番RCCパネルの上部と下部のRCCパネル結合金具も回収されませんでした。これらのパーツのいくつかは捜索で発見されなかったかもしれませんが、これらすべてが回収に失敗したとは考えにくいでしょう。これらの多くは、主翼内の高温の空気によっておそらく溶けるか、燃え尽きてしまったと思われます。溶けなかったパーツも、機体の分解時にすでに非常に高温になっていたため、再突入に耐えられませんでした。この考え方は高温の大気が8番RCCパネル付近から主翼内に侵入し、左翼前縁部桁とその付近のパーツに重大な損傷を与えたというシナリオを支持するものです。

Debris Analysis Conclusions

A thorough analysis of left wing debris (independent of the preceding aerodynamic, aerothermal, sensor, and photo data) supports the conclusion that significant abnormalities occurred in the vicinity of left RCC panels 8 and 9. The pre- ponderance of debris evidence alone strongly indicates that the breach occurred in the bottom of panel 8-left.The unique composition of the slag found in panels 8 and 9, and espe- cially on RCC panel 8-left, indicates extreme and prolonged heating in these areas very early in re-entry.

The early loss of tiles in the region directly behind left RCC panels 8 and 9 also supports the conclusion that a breach through the wing leading edge spar occurred here. This allowed superheated air to flow into the wing directly behind panel 8.The heating of the aluminum wing skin degraded tile adhesion and contributed to the early loss of tiles.

Severe damage to the lower carrier panel 9-left tiles is indicative of a flow out of panel 8-left, also strongly suggesting that the breach in the RCC was through panel 8-left. It is noteworthy that it occurred only in this area and not in any other areas on either the left or the right wing lower carrier panels. There is also significant and unique evidence of severe "knife edges" erosion in left RCC panels 8 and 9. Lastly, the pattern of the debris field also suggests the left wing likely failed in the area of RCC panel 8-left.

The preponderance of unique debris evidence in and near RCC panel 8-left strongly suggests that a breach occurred here. Finally, the unique debris damage in the RCC panel 8-left area is completely consistent with other data, such as the ModularAuxiliary Data System recorder, visual imagery analysis, and the aerodynamic and aerothermal analysis.


Multiple indications from the debris analysis establish the point of heat intrusion as RCC panel 8-left.
破片の分析によって得られた複数の兆候が、 高熱の空気が侵入した場所が8番RCCパネルだったことを示している。

The recovery of debris from the ground and its reconstruction was critical to understanding the accident scenario.

